Life is risk.
You can decide to do the hard work and hope to have an easy life or choose to be lazy and know a hard life awaits.
The whole thing is a risk.
In the words of the late great Jim Rohn, “no one gets out alive”.
Which is safer, developing a career or starting a business?
The answer is it depends.
If you are developing a professional career, as a Doctor, Lawyer, Optometrist or entering a secure field such as Finance, Education or Construction, then there is your answer.
The world is changing, however.
Fields which were seen as secure and immune to the rigours of economic turbulence, have begun to rest a little less easily on their laurels.
The world is growing smaller. Competition is getting more intense and let’s not get started on Artificial Intelligence.
Actually, we should look at A.I quite closely.
Several recent articles online have referenced the emergence of virtual avatars which at least from an online and digital perspective, are nearly impossible to differentiate from living human beings. Chat GPT, Gemini and so on continue to demonstrate improving abilities to construct legal documents, project plans and technical coding solutions. Couple this with the strides which have been taken in robotic technology (for example, Boston Dynamics) and it takes no stretch of the imagination to consider the reality of surgical procedures being conducted by AI systems with little human interventions, automated flight systems have been in existence for decades and are increasingly taking reducing the workload of pilots all over the world. Even creatives are feeling the heat now that a completely new musical score can be developed and mastered in a matter of seconds!
Still think starting a business is risky?
I’d suggest not starting a business is a much bigger risk.