In the UK this morning, the energy regulator raised the cap on pricing for domestic energy to around £3,500.
This means the average UK household is now paying 80 percent more for energy than they were required to pay a year ago. In the midst of a global financial crisis, nearby escalating war, a changing work landscape plus political chaos at home and abroad!
So what does this have to do with sustainability?
There does appear to be an argument that the cost of adopting green solutions is prohibitive, particularly in the circumstances we all find ourselves now. I think that is a mistake. A mistake which has been incorrectly perpetuated by those who want to maintain the status quo, to their own ultimate monetary benefit.
Why am I so certain about this?
I wrote and published my first paper on the topic of Agriculture and Deforestation over 30 years ago. You can find it using your favourite search engine. Although that paper appeared to focus on farming and land use, I argued that the implications of failing to address the issues present in that sector would have massive ramifications on cost, life and humanity as a whole all over the world.
The argument that green policies are too costly to apply is a fallacy. The fact is in the main, green policies are too costly NOT to apply.
At Zanshuri we build some of the most eco friendly computing systems in the world. This year alone our enquiry count, conversions and profitability have grown exponentially. That is a direct result of the fact that people, organisations, businesses and even governments are coming to the same realisation that I did 30 years ago.
The world is changing. We cannot sit back and hope that the politicians will make it better. We as individuals, groups and commercial entities must make a positive difference. With our voices, with our finances and yes, even our lifestyles. And I know we can do it. For all that is good in the world.
Hopefully it won’t take another 30 years to realise that.